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Indian Football’s President asks for accountability on quality of refereeing in top Indian Football leagues

Indian Football


Indian Football’s President asks for accountability on quality of refereeing in top Indian Football leagues

The refereeing quality in the top Football leagues of India has always been questioned by the fans. Notably, there has not been an instance in the last 4-5 years where the fans have not complained of the poor refereeing in a match. However, it has almost been normalized so much so that errors from the match referees and other officials are a part and parcel of the game.

Meanwhile, in the semifinal match of the ISL 2022/23 between Kerala Blasters and Bengaluru FC, there was a huge confusion between the referees and the players regarding a decision. Following the decision, Kerala Blasters decided to walk off the pitch. However, it was a wrong move, it was probably a consequence of the frustration with the overall quality of refereeing in the top Indian leagues over the years.

Addressing the crucial issues, the President of Indian Football, Mr. Chaubey, has asked to minimize the mistakes. In addition, the Indian Football President took into consideration the suggestions from fellow officials in a meeting and spoke about the errors in refereeing in the top leagues of Indian Football. Moreover, he added that referees must not give 15% human error as an excuse to cover their mistakes.

“As officials and administrators, we have to work towards minimizing these mistakes. We can’t hide behind the mask of the ‘acceptable 15 % human error norm’. Most of these complaints are of plain sight errors falling under the 15 % norm, which hampers the clubs, players and leagues,” Mr. Chaubey said who understood the fact that the fans complain of refereeing mistakes now and then.

I urge you all to look at these incidents from the emotional investment of the fans – Indian Football President

Moreover, Mr. Chaubey also felt that the fans must be aware of the rules properly and not criticize the referees for every decision they make without knowing the rules properly. In addition, the President said that the clubs in Indian Football have taken the sport to another level from where the growth of the sport can be seen.

“I urge you all to look at these incidents from the emotional investment of the fans and the financial investment of the clubs. Safeguarding these emotions is the key here, and it will provide our assurance of fairness and consistency in the decisions,” he added further.

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